When Your Shoulder Injury Treatment Isn’t Working, Consider Osteopathy

When Your Shoulder Injury Treatment Isn’t Working, Consider Osteopathy

Osteopathy Treatment For Shoulder Pain And Injury

Shoulder pain can have a negative impact on your health and your overall quality of life. Many clients come to us after other traditional should injury treatments have failed. Whether you have a rotator cuff injury or frozen shoulder, Jenna Howe can perform osteopathy to alleviate your pain and discomfort. Best of all, this holistic treatment can be successful without the use of drugs or surgery. Read on to find out how this natural alternative to traditional procedures can change your life for the better.

What Causes Shoulder Pain?

shoulder anatomy

Most people only think of a single structure when they think about the shoulder joint. However, in reality, the primary joint (called the Glenohumeral joint) works together harmoniously with the shoulder blade, the collar bone, and all surrounding muscular structures to provide comfortable, fluid movement. When one of these elements is compromised, it can result in shoulder pain or injury. Some of the most common causes of shoulder pain include:

  • Overuse or strain injuries to the muscles
  • Injury to the bicipital tendon or the rotator cuff
  • Stiffening of the tissues around the joint, leading to frozen shoulder
  • Referred pain from the neck or back
  • Osteoarthritis, or the erosion of the cartilage cushioning the shoulder joint
  • Injury to the ligaments that connect the bones
  • Bursitis
  • Dislocation of the shoulder joint

Diagnosing the Cause of Your Shoulder Pain

In order to properly treat your shoulder pain, we must first determine what has caused it in the first place. During your initial consultation with Jenna, she will perform a full assessment of the shoulder using a variety of movements and osteopathic tests. She will evaluate your posture to ensure that it is not problematic. She will also discuss your medical history and lifestyle habits with you at length. For example, it is important to know what type of job you have, because hard labor can sometimes contribute to injuries of this type. Next, Jenna will also ask you what (if any) sports you play. This is extremely important, as certain athletic activities such as weight lifting, golf, and baseball often require repetitive movement and can therefore become a risk factor for shoulder injuries.

Osteopathic Treatment for Shoulder Injuries

Jenna understands that every individual she sees has his or her own unique set of needs. Therefore, no two patients will be treated exactly the same. Taking your distinctive needs into account, she will design a treatment plan for your specific goals in mind. Osteopathic treatment involves the manipulation of bones, joints, and muscles. This is usually achieved through specialized massages or stretches. These movements encourage the repositioning of the shoulder structures and in turn, alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with these injuries. The primary goal of osteopathic care is to enhance the body’s own natural healing mechanism. Jenna can also recommend stretching exercises for you to practice at home to help maintain your progress.

Schedule Your Shoulder Pain Treatment in Victoria BC

Shoulder pain can keep you from the active lifestyle you enjoy. If traditional shoulder injury treatments aren’t working, you don’t have to live with the pain. Book an appointment with Jenna at our Victoria, BC clinic. Osteopathy is a holistic and effective way to address musculoskeletal issues.